Urban Farmers Create Composting Model in Baltimore - NRDC & Rockefeller
Urban Farmers Create Composting Model in Baltimore - NRDC & Rockefeller
Designing a Better Chicago - Friedman Place
Designing a Better Chicago - Friedman Place
Stewart Sutherland - Made in Michigan
Stewart Sutherland - Made in Michigan
Rotary Causes - Saving Mothers and Children
Rotary Causes - Saving Mothers and Children
To Walk With Pride - Polio in Pakistan
To Walk With Pride - Polio in Pakistan
Your Legacy, Rotary's Promise - A Planned Giving Appeal
Your Legacy, Rotary's Promise - A Planned Giving Appeal
Farmers Feed the Hungry - Seattle, WA
Farmers Feed the Hungry - Seattle, WA
The Good Earth - Arkansas Farmers Scale Up
The Good Earth - Arkansas Farmers Scale Up
Rise of the Female Entrepreneur - Honduras
Rise of the Female Entrepreneur - Honduras
Urban Farmers Create Composting Model in Baltimore - NRDC & Rockefeller
Designing a Better Chicago - Friedman Place Friedman Place is a home for 85 blind and visually impaired adults. They won the 2020 Design for a Better Chicago Impact grant created by the Design Museum of Chicago, The Department of Cultural Affairs, and NeoCon.
Stewart Sutherland - Made in Michigan
Rotary Causes - Saving Mothers and ChildrenDirector/Producer | Miriam Doan, Documentary DP | Staff and Freelance, Agency | Unit One Nine, Production Partner, Almost Gold, Editor | Kenneth Brown, Motion Graphics/Animation | Brad Cowan This asset is one of six anthem videos representing Rotary's causes. These videos were created for the Rotary Foundation's Major Gift Initiative to raise awareness around changes to the giving platform, mainly the ability to give to a specific cause. Data revealed that members care about specific causes more than others. These videos were designed to speak directly to donors who want to make lasting impact within the cause they care about most. After their launch, distribution expanded to Rotary's website, social channels and served as key tools in leadership trainings and gift officer tool kits.
To Walk With Pride - Polio in PakistanStory Development | Miriam Doan , Field Producer/Director | Miriam Doan, Director of Photography | Sana Ullah Camera Assistant/Second Camera | Miriam Doan Edited by | Sana Ullah, Rawalpindi, Motion Design | Kay Meyer, Motion Graphics/Animation | Brad Cowan, Still Photography | Khaula Jamil, Music | Candlespark Stars This short film shows the world's leading epidemiologists and implementation partners designed a human centered program to eradicate polio in Pakistan. Instead of increasing vaccination rounds, campaigns were designed around population movement, placing permanent vaccination posts in key locations throughout the country to target missed children. This strategy focuses on person not the program, bringing sophisticated infrastructure to migrant families at border crossings, transportation depots, toll plaza's and police check points. This strategy brought Pakistan to it's lowest count of reported polio cases in history.
Your Legacy, Rotary's Promise - A Planned Giving AppealCreative Development, Script & VO | Miriam Doan, Directed by | Ky Dickens, Director of Photography | Jamieson Mulholland, Edited by | Brad Cowan, Motion Graphics & Animation | Brad Cowan, Colored by Ty Roth/Company 3This video campaign was created for the Rotary Foundation to inspire major donors to shift their thinking to planned giving. Built around the notion that there is meaning behind a family name, we wanted to appeal to those who want to be remembered for building great companies and acquiring wealth, but above all, doing good in the world - You're legacy, Rotary's Promise.
Farmers Feed the Hungry - Seattle, WAMillions of pounds of fresh, healthy food goes to waste every year, but it can feed hungry families healthy food. Harvest Against Hunger connects farmers, truckers, volunteers and food banks to feed the families who need it most. Every week volunteers across Washington state glean hundreds of pounds of healthy, fresh fruits and vegetables that would otherwise go to waste. Watch how volunteers coordinate to get farm fresh fruits and veggies packed and delivered from farm to food bank.https://www.harvestagainsthunger.org/
The Good Earth - Arkansas Farmers Scale UpStory Development | Miriam Doan, Producer/Director | Miriam Doan, Photography and Motion Photography | Miriam Doan, Audio | Miriam Doan, Editor | Justin Howard, Story Producer | Kate Benszchawel The story of Joe Carr, a small scale farmer in the Arkansas Delta who reached out to his community to help him raise a high tunnel for early and late season crops. This small change in infrastructure increased his growing season and income by a third. He is now the president and founder of, The New South, a small farmer cooperative in Ft. Smith, Arkansas.
Rise of the Female Entrepreneur - Honduras Story Development | Miriam Doan, Field Producer/Director | Miriam Doan, Video | Miriam Doan, Audio | Miriam Doan, Still Photography | Monika Lozinska, Editor | Colette Ghunim, Story Producer | Miriam DoanMicrocredit and group lending helps female entrepreneurs in rural Honduras rise out of poverty and support their families. By creating a small group of working mothers and elder females in their community, women in business borrow small sums and learn business skills to manage daily life and earn income.
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